About us

The African Network of Food Data System (AFROFOODS) as part of the International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) was established in September 1994 in Ghana. AFROFOODS counts 48 countries from 4 sub-regions, based on the location and language.

From our foundation, we are working on providing better networking with UN agencies. We also work on the collaboration between sub-regions and countries. One of our goals is so to provide a better education to build capacity in food composition within Africa. We organize and participate in training, courses and educational and scientific publications. Reports from our last meeting can be found under the link.

AFROFOODS, as a volunteer network, does not have the financial ability to provide career opportunities or monetary support to individuals to enable full-time contribution to improving food composition in Africa.

We provide free to use Search and Compare tool, which contains information on the composition of foods that are available in sub-regions. The tool allows the user to search for food items by name, synonyms, nutrient content or by a combination of these. In addition, foods can be compared to each other.